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Hans Hannula - Cash In On Chaos 360 Moneytide

I have developed two bodies of knowledge-Market AstroPhysics and Market Chaos Theory. These technologies provide a theoretical framework for market behavior, which is then used to develop mathematical models for forecasting, and for identifying fractal patterns markets produce. This knowledge has let me develop some unique trading tools for finding the most profitable moves in markets.

These theories are based on the idea that market prices have two components-a fundamental component of about 60%, driven by business basics, and an emotional component of about 40 per cent.

I have been able to link the emotional swings in markets to tides in the earth's electric field. I have developed mathematical models of these changes and use them to forecast future price swings. My forecasts are unique in that they are energy forecasts, and do not use any price data as input. I then both trade and watch the markets, to further improve my knowledge and to verify that my theories hold water. Much of this is documented in the free Reading Room. More information can be found in my book, Market AstroPhysics and Chaos, videos tapes, and research reports.

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